
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 1m 12s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 79103.
Ocena uzyskana 94.
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Wartburg Lotos Melkus Motor 1100cm³ 3fach-Vergaser mit el. Zündung (generalüberholt).


Wartburg Lotos Melkus Motor 1100cm³ 3fach-Vergaser mit el. Zündung (generalüberholt)- BVF carbs? 
- State of the art! How goes it today?
- Maybe somebody from Nekla in Poland will be interested in such an engine as driving unit in Syrena 105L car.
- It doesn't sound right, there's something wrong with mixture. Motor revs sluggishly...
- Was leistet denn dieser Motor??
- Sounds similar to the DKW F-102 my dad bought new in 1964, and it could out-perform all the common 6-cylinder sedans to about 50mph. It could even give Fiat 1500's a good go. This Wartburg sounds gruntier, though.
- I've heard that you can get up to 115 HP when tuned properly. Realistically, probably about 80-85.
- Einfach genial
- HorsePower?
- pretty good technical datas? expreience with this engine?