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Top Gear vs The Germans Part 1 - Double Decker Racing - Series 11 - BBC.


Top Gear vs The Germans Part 1 - Double Decker Racing - Series 11 - BBC- The Germans should've appeared in a squad of Messerschmitt Me 109s...
- seriously spitfires
- Americans make the best cars, but Germany has pretty good cars.

Though the English have pretty paper-boxes.
- The stig should have steered
- NICE  Top Gear vs The Germans Part 1 - Double Decker Racing - Series 11 - BBC
- "Jeremei! Jermei mei arm fell off!"
- 0:45 song?
- "My arrrrms come off" Jeremey: "WHAT?" " My arms come offfff" ahahahah
- how is the steering column connected to the bottom car?
- One of the Aston's shoild have been swa0ped with a Phantom
- 2:27 embarrassing hand shake confusion
- Shout out to Edd "The Ultimate Mechanic" China (of Wheeler Dealers fame) for constructing those contraptions!
- I love James' classy remarks towards Hammond.
- How can you beat something that doesn't have a sense of humor?
- Me262 was NOT the first german or world wide jet engine Germany had fully workt prototype jet engine fighter in 1937 henshel 111
- V2 rocket 7.000km/h
Without fuel 4.000km/h and with this speed was Hit the target
- The fastest FW 152 TA 770km/h
- Yes me 262 870km/h
Me193 kom 930-60 km/h 
- The spit's where my favorite part of this by far,lol.