
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 3m 33s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 72200.
Ocena uzyskana 274.
Ciekawe oceny od was, do zobaczenia też.


- i dont understand.. :( .. butt maybe that's the point..
- I love that Merde is essentially the personification of Godzilla. The theme makes it a humorous comparison, but his innate detestation of Japanese people feels less like racism and more like a primal proclivity towards hate, like a certain lizard we all know.  That, and he finds a wartime room where he finds literally destructive means to attack Tokyo, more akin to Godzilla's usual methods of mayhem.
- День типичного представителя столичного планктона (вкратце) LOL
- Like a boss...
- esto es una Mierda!
- ANH C'est quoi ce business ? Il m'a fais flipper le Gars!
- this was before Holy Motors was filmed.
- bofffffffffffffffffffffff
- pain is brown... hate is white... love is black.. stab the night!
- This movie scene is totally epic, maybe one I will remember all my life, and still laughing uncontrollably
- This is what we call good character development, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks to the music, cinematography, and actions of M. Merde, I know everything I could possibly know about him in about 3 and a half minutes. The Godzilla theme really is used quite brilliantly, as it accentuates the anarchic nature of Merde.
- Merde belongs at DAVOS for sure.
- Weeaboo goes to Japan: The Movie
- Holy Motors is based on this character from the film short Leos Carax did for Tokyo. Holy Motors is an extension of this...
- he is kind of politically incorrect
- This is TOKYO. It ends with "Merde will return in MERDE IN PARIS".