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TOKYO MOTOR SHOW 2013 ~TOYOTA FV2 PERFORMANCE~ 東京モーターショー 2013 トヨタ ブース.


TOKYO MOTOR SHOW 2013 ~TOYOTA FV2 PERFORMANCE~ 東京モーターショー 2013 トヨタ ブース- Схема "ромб" очень перспективна. Аэродинамика, большая маневренность, модульность,трансформации.При этом не обязательно отказываться от рулевого или рычажного управления. Сменные обтекатели - возможность менять дизайн. При этом конструкция может быть технологичной. Мы над этим сейчас работаем.
- están muy bonitos y el cinturón q es el principal una caída de esas si me doy buen marranas
- One ? what happens if you come the a sudden STOP . I bet you'll wont be in it what it dose .

- TOYOTA really likes to make a whole fake show :D
- is this thing a video game too? you can race your friends like MarioKart? Only thing i don't like is I was waiting for the stealth mode when you sit back and the roof closes in tight. Apparently you sit up right...and its always open. Sorta cheezeball..for all that great styling.
- Very bad, what a waste of money.
- Remeber's me At's =D
- This would be like a replacement for a bike maybe and you should wear a helmet and other protection. Probably overkill, better to just get an electric booster for a bike if you don't want to pedal.
- That is a lot of standing to get tired, it doesn't look very safe standing and also you can't use that on major roads.
- So nobody else noticed that this car is covered in LCD screens that have compound curves? I can't see any external projectors and the room is bright.
- this is crazy futuristic.  I just love the part with the driver riding with open arms  along side the horse.....so inspirational.   My hat's off to Toyota!  but the display canopy doesn't look transparent enough to see the road clearly.
- motorcicle remix
- it's not safe at all. only can be used for gaming ps4, lol
- Едешь ты в этой штуке 50 км/ч попадаешь колесом в открытый люк и дальше в свободный полёт? 
- Круто)
Но не особо практично.