
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 4m 25s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 4326384.
Ocena uzyskana 6841.
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Tokyo Drift: Nissan Silvia S15 vs Nissan 350z (Garage Scene).


Tokyo Drift: Nissan Silvia S15 vs Nissan 350z (Garage Scene)- A stock 350 z at 2:32
- É muito legau

- Car Racing Show
- 😈😈😈😈😈
- Poor Silvia S15 😭
- B]
- es una cagada esta pelicula
- 😉
- How many levels did they race up, trying to count but I couldn't keep track. Writing a fanfic that involves a drift race through a parking garage. Please respond as soon as possible
- Awesome! Best epic car racing I've ever watched...*O*
- Tokyo Drift: Nissan Silvia S15 vs Nissan 350z (Ga…: http://youtu.be/j3MAmVpAbEo
- Feel sorry for the car
- when i drift i call it the tokyo drift
- It's a fair ladyZ
- question. i have a friend who never saw any of fast and furious series.. should she watch them all from 1-7 or save for tokyo drift until after fast six???
- never crash my 350z
- i own a replica of that 350z i drive it every drift fest and streets we keep that on down low
- poor silvia :(
- 0:25 even though morimoto is a dick for most of the movie you gotta love him how hype he can be at times