
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 6m 39s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 18708.
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Simonini Paramotor Tuning Flat Top Powered Paraglider Simplicity.


Simonini Paramotor Tuning Flat Top Powered Paraglider Simplicity- there are two adjustment screws which one for the bottom end and top end response mine is bogging when I gun it.. thanks SD!
- Very helpfull tips.
- Haha so cool! Flat top kicks butt I'll tell you what. Lol. Just listen to how much higher you got the RPM's now running at full power. Plus the response to the throttle is instantaneous now! Just how's how powerfull. Well made and easy it is to fly fix and own a flat top 200. Just amazing. Can't wait to get mine. Thanks Dell and U-turnUSA
- Hey how much does the flat top 200 battery cost? I found a paramotor flat top 200 with 6 hours on it. And just hasn't been flown so the battery is dead.. So I'm going to need to by one battery maybe a new bottom right cage piece if your looking at the engine and propeller side. How much would that cost for those two pieces? Oh also how much for a uturn paraglider or sky paraglider. New or used from you? Withers cool:) let me kno. Thanks. Can't wait to start making flat top 200 videos. And since
- Hi there, You don't identify which Simonini model you have. I'm very curious, as I'm toying with the idea of using a Victor 1+ in an ultralight, but I'm concerned about engine vibration. Any thoughts? James.
- Hello there! What carb are you using. I have a WB32, and having problems using it. Can iplease contact u somwhere to have a chat about it?
- maybe in a few years i might get one whith a mate or sumthing
- Expensive i know the paramotor 3000 Euro and the Glider 1700 Euro -.-" And Carbon Pror and Etc etc etc.. over 6000 Euro
- Dude thats awesome, id love to get into the sport its just expensive thats all...
- In real life I'm 15 years old and I'm flying with Top 80 Paramotor and Swing Arcus 6 :PP My favorite sport :D I'm the youngest PPG Pilot in Hungary :D:D
- :P im in sydney Australia, it would be a long bus trip to you guys ;D
- :P, were are you guys based
- i totaly agree but im 14 :P
- nice, great info although im probally never going to fly one of em :P
- Thank you