
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 6m 43s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 583056.
Ocena uzyskana 897.
Ciekawe oceny od was, do zobaczenia też.
Scania 10,000 HP Engine ETS2 (Euro Truck Simulator 2).


Scania 10,000 HP Engine ETS2 (Euro Truck Simulator 2)- A RACING TRUCK!
- donwnload link ?
- May I ask, what is the customisation mod called? Would be awesome to know.
- 10bhp 1quadrilion bhp dosent mather the throttle will not be that responsive as in video this mod has some real gear ratios and rpm management to do
- cara baixa o mod das marças dae vai ate 22 marças
- wahhhho
- You should do commentrey
- Good show
- that video is pretty laggy
- linkkkk la que te pario
- H
- download link????????????????????????????
- link??????????
- Euro Taxi 4
- Most of players that iv seen making videos about ets2 know nothing about traffic code and gets millions of mods to ruin the game and uses automatic gearbox and usually even arrow keys -_-
- I did 260 mph in mine.
- na próxima ves tenta empina com moto vai ve que e muito mais facil
- Ya une vidéo ou le Gars vas a 445 km/h
- mod lınk atarmısın