
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 3m 3s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 121611.
Ocena uzyskana 117.
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Russian V-12 Diesel Tank Engine Part 1.


Russian V-12 Diesel Tank Engine Part 1- Is it possible to install this engine on a car?
- Кажется, это от Т-54\55. Поправьте, если не прав.
- 3д12 вроде судовое исполнение
- где турбина? 
- What's with all the smoke?
- Do diesel engines produce carbon monoxide?  what if  the air/fuel ratio were altered, as in blocking the vents a bit ?
- makes about the same hp as a abrams. 
- Co oni tam nalali, że tak kopci?
- It looks that it may burn more motor oil than a typical car burns fuel..
- so...this is what my little brother told me about.. Thomas the tank engine
- America fuck fuck America is suck лохи Россия круууууть лохи ебаные в Америке

- Hej från Ryssland! Tack för upplevde känslor! Mycket glad att det finns finsmakare av ingenjörsteknik som bortsett från politiken.
- Sumbitch is blown up! Smoking junk.
- Its from T-55 tank
- and in our time, these engines slightly modernized, known as D12 used on Russian warships as gensets
- nice bug fogger :D
- Engine from tank T54 or T55
- put some catalytic coverter to clear those white smoke!
- The V2 was so badly made that it often only lasted 30 hours, these engines had both electrical and air starting. The engine short life was not seen as important becouse the T34 was not expected to last that long. The main reason for the short life of the engine was the air filter system. It has been said that an emeny could of not of designed it better