
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 6m 25s.
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Review - Lego Power Functions Motor Set (8293) [CC].


Review - Lego Power Functions Motor Set (8293) [CC]- The motor you have is called Lego m motor 
- ho much does it caust
- When I attach the motor to the battery my light always goes out y is this please help it's driving me insane thanks 
- is it just me or does jaystepher sound like the first Homer Simpson voice?
- You sound like Chris Pratt
- What is the use of the white cog?
- Why dose the motor radle
- Thanks for the review.

The beginning and ending of the video are somewhat insulting though, I don't need to be read every portion of the box.
- Was this set expensive JAYSTEPHER?
- Здравствуйте!
- Why does the set come with 13 items but on the box it says 10 items? I don't think it's supposed to have more than 1 small gear and 2 flexible axles
- there not cogs there tooth gears
- The motor seems stronger renal it actually it's, and the LED lights are much brighter on the video than in real.
- This can be supplement of basic LittleBits. 
- Is the motor waterproof?
- Its not a coupling gear its a clutch gear so when you've moved something to the max that will keep spinning so you don't damage the other gears or the rest of the model.

- Can you stack the ends of the pieces where it gets electricity and would it work?
- Is it possible for you to ever make a tutorial of a vehicle or something with the motor , switch, battery, lights, etc?
- how much is this set?