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project 4472 tribute progress update with Tamiya Atomic tuned motor.


project 4472 tribute progress update with Tamiya Atomic tuned motor- its a tribute to flying scotsman not a replica :) you do criticize allot about my mods and videos but you don't prove that you can do better by making videos...
- Goodness that is very wrong! I have lots of railroad flying Scotsman spares and i used that for the smokebox door. good heavens change it because its wrong.
- Do a vid with it racing Speedy spencer and 4.5v Gordon
- Guess what, ucwepn? I have a custom made Tomy Flying Scotsman. I also used Gordon and Henry's tender, too. He's in a video titled "The Important Engines". It's in my YouTube channel now. :)
- I do have a couple but I don't have a layout to run them, The parts I used were bought from ebay :)
- Oh so you also have HO-OO trains
- Hi its a spare Hornby LNER B2 smokebox door
- That looks so cool, where did you get the tin face from?
- no that is a different Gordon, well its actually 2x Broken Gordons and a Broken Henry built into one good engine.
- is that 4.5 volt gordon
- Thanks :D waiting for your motor comparison video!
- Lookin' Good mate. It hauls nice and quick without being crazy fast and over done. It doesn't have any trouble pulling the long train with the added power and toque either. The custom trains take a suprisingly long time to make in between lifes regular goings on. Well done ucwepn.
- Thanks! Yes changed a little, more houses/cottages in the town and the town has an elevated loop of its own with auto points, there is also a take along sodor shipping co building next to cranky the crane.
- Thanks!
- Awesome layout Mate