
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 4m 40s.
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New BMW M5 vs BMW S1000RR superbike.


New BMW M5 vs BMW S1000RR superbike- I hate it when anyone does compromised comparisons.  It's not worth it.  With a wet track this test was pointless.  Next time just have the rider and the driver race on foot around the track.
- Well this is fu65ng useless

- :) BMW M5 vs S1000RR with 2 cylinders :)
- Dry track ! Then you can give a 10 sec advantage to the M5.
- Next time to keep it equally fair have them race around back words in reverse--bike still gets a 10 sec head start. Since the M5 has a reverse gear and the bike has 1hp per kilo plus traction control should be equally fair race
- dont like it.....it depends of the drivers, not the bike or car......they compare mens.
- Wrong rider. His speed/lean angle is not enough at the bends.
- What next? tractor Vs S1000rr on a snow track? Who wins???
Do not make me laugh, please. On dry track never ever had won the M5.
Pure quackery for ignorant. And you guys call yourselves professionals?
- Bikes better than the car
- everytime it rains
- What a stupid test.
- damn shut the fuck up
- Dry track please!
- tor był mokry
- Try again on a dry race track!
- Not fair i love more cars then bikes but in that condictions is not fair for the bike
- Ive never seen so many different camera angles in one video.
- Shit video