
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 3m 28s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 2549107.
Ocena uzyskana 8188.
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Motorized Drift Trike - SFD Industries.


Motorized Drift Trike - SFD Industries- Hi guys , did you build it yourself... Can you guys send me blueprints please.. Thanx
- On the tires, can you remove the slicks if wanted to?
- Adults Big wheel
- I want one for my 40th birthday next year.
- Can I get a 6 foot tall orange flag mounted to let motorists see me going balls out up the street? Love these, haha:-)
- Damn! 2million views. Holy snikes. 
- que motort usas mi amigo y como me podrias ayudar para construir uno saludos
- Its pretty awsome but do you got something with a smaller front wheel
- I was asking how could I get my hands on one of those them things are cool how do I get one or buy one 
- Drift trike SFD todo race a la hombre hola 
- That snicker at the end wins!!! :)
- Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- these things look rediculous, but it looks so fun to ride...
- Motorized Drift Trike - SFD Industries: http://youtu.be/UX4fCTO44Ic
- Not much into drifting trikes or rap music. This video just changed my mind! Great camera work too!
- que canal fical
- This is the best way to make every parent in your neighborhood hate you, because their children will immediately start begging for one of these after they see you cruising the streets on it:
- This is filmed in my neighborhood holy crap
- I thought the song was fun and fitting, why all the hate?