
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 10m 11s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 558450.
Ocena uzyskana 1321.
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Motorcycle Crash Compilation & Road Rage 2015 HD.


Motorcycle Crash Compilation & Road Rage 2015 HD- 4:35 where is this mofoka looking at>!? even if he missed that biker, he would have Tboned one of the other cars... like what the fuck
- 3:14 that mirror slap was smooth as fuck lel
- 4:36 Varadero
- And here I thought only us Chinese people couldn't drive.
- are Russians all half blind,
- I may be wrong but dont motorcycles have handlebars and brakes?
- Well i guess that the insurance is too expansive in russia 
- 6:32 = drunk! what the hell?
- I find most of the riders do not ride correctly. That means they do not anticipate enough and much more go way to fast through lanes, taking over on the other lane and so on.. I am a biker for 23 years now and I know that I am the weak and I will do nothing dangerous, because in the first place I am the one who suffers.
- Its like people turn, indicate, then check if its clear. Like what the fuck.
- Please tell me again how this dumbass people defeat the nazis?? 
- 3:13 you deserve for it
- 2:14 death penalty to the car driver
- That's pure Russians for ya, between hacking software to  auto crashes, Heh, and i thought us americans were worse!!!
- I'm so happy I don't live in Russia 
- fuck this
- This should be a message to every driver. Watch what you're doing, people will get hurt, half of these crashes were because of reckless drivers not the riders. 
- russia and china onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
- People are fucking stupid