
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 6m 11s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 275673.
Ocena uzyskana 251.
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Motor fail compilation 2013.


Motor fail compilation 2013- Legend has it that motorcycle is still sliding to this very day.
- I'm sorry, but 3:30 is so damn funny!!!
- 1:37 song?
- Good rule of thumb is weigh less than your bike.
- Last guy could have saved it if he didnt grab onto his front brakes and lock em up
- What is it with Russia and Eastern Europe and TERRIBLE DRIVING!?!?!?  It's like a virus or something!
- 0:49 Good thing he was wearing that open face helmet ...
- pause at 0:50
- 2:26 "I don't have a license. PEACE!"
- ай блядь мудаг йобаный! пизда еще ебучая!
- Фарс на электролежачнике засветился
- have fun 
- 3:36 - "THE WOBBLE"
- 3:28
- Why is this motorfail? 90%of cars caused the accident dumbfuck
- We all learn something from this video don't ride motorcycles and third world countries 
- 0:29 NEEEIIN Er wird Sterben!!
- Russian drivers are so reckless not signaling at all and just shove into another lane
- Fail
- i like how some of them instinctively run away like its a stolen bike theyre riding