
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 1m 59s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 258100.
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KTM DUKE 125 WITH TWIN motor GP carbon fibre SOUND 2.


KTM DUKE 125 WITH TWIN motor GP carbon fibre SOUND 2- Where you bought it ?
- Taping wz osm..
- were can i find this exhaust? i cant find it anywhere:(
- Hi what's the diameter of the mid pipe?
- I realy need to buy that thing. Where can i buy the GP twin carbon pipe? Sound is great. 
- Neighbours would love this at 5am leaving for work
- hummmm vai rolar um plágiooooo #ktm  #duke #200 #blackmotard  
- Why has the 125 Duke a high tone in low rpm? Is it normal? 
- oh holy!
- Bonjour j'ai 14ans et je voulais avoir votre avis , j'ai conduis des motos-cross , mais jamais des dukes ou ... , alors est ce que vous me conseillez celle là et merci
- The sound is so very extremely awesome. Like it. I want to buy it...
- ?m
- From? Internet
- Hey bro I was wondering if you could make me this system for my ktm duke125 I will pay you a far bit of money for it to
- Quel talent le son qui sort du 125 !
- What's the nome of the exausts? The factory Who produce this? Thanks
- man,how da hell did you make this exhausts? D:
- Nice ;-)
- I would love a 'Y' pipe where can I get one :(
- just wondering if you managed to get a y pipe sorted out for your duke??