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Hubless Wheel Prototype Scooter by Hand-Made Tuning Performance Motor Club.


Hubless Wheel Prototype Scooter by Hand-Made Tuning Performance Motor Club- Just another dumb invention!
-  it's just a big hub.
- did a custom bike builder say billy lane help inspire you to create one of your own haha
- Hubless Wheel Prototype Scooter by Hand-Made Tuni…:
- it has a hub and its junk
- unique, that's all. but totally impractical!
- Pointless
- There is no such thing as a hubless wheel. The hub e. g. the axle is just of very large diameter and has a big hole in the middle.
Btw., an overly large bearing of this type is not very efficient and will add higher than necessary resistance to your drivetrain.
Looks cool though, if properly made.
- If studying mechanics if you want to pass a practical exam . " Practical" being the key word in practical exam you will probably do better with a normal wheel.
- wheels need some sort of center of turn point a free floating hub is more stable if you don't want attached spokes . Free floating meaning spokes not directly affixed to the wheel. geared spokes which drive the internal wheel is the most reliable or practical method if you don't want a complete hub,wheel and spoke fixation.
- It must be funny to see that turning left inmediatly after lubricating the chain... really interesting how some people try to invent new suicidal ways.
- i take they don't have kits for this stuff at all?
- it's a bearing .. basically a giant hub bearing . not sure why he's using a chain instead of a belt but it's prototype so I guess it's just a test mock up. I would use a belt drive and a tensioner myself. it gives a much smoother power delivery than a chain ever could . I work on over-sized construction equipment and we use hub less drive wheels on the larger equipment , usually 5 x to 10x larger than that wheel.
- what is a hub if this is not a hub ? Spokeless but not hubless.
- It has a large bearing surface compared to a spoked wheel of the same diameter.
- hahaha. It's a trick of the camera rate vs the RPM of the rotating wheel, in other words an optical illusion.
- There are no gears. There's sprockets and chains, and it WILL go forward.
- It's not hubless. It has a hub with a big hole in the middle. BFD
- but but but... its in reverse