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GTA V: Dinka Double-T (Honda) | Motorbike Showcase #1.


GTA V: Dinka Double-T (Honda) | Motorbike Showcase #1- these tires!!!!! wtffffffff, disgustiiing
- Whats ur psn
- +GUN1T123 because youre an excsllent CAR driver.Try some bike races.More SKILL is needed and more focusing.I recommend the double-t
- To end the comments about what bike the double t is based on:its a crossover between the ninja,the r1 and the r6.
- Riding bikes in gta has always been one of the funnest things to do. And Ur obviously having some fun riding it. So why u sayn it's not Ur thing? Ur in denial
- Dat cunt punt 
- Its a fucking Ducati 
- What a crash... 
- damn, i wish they would add like paintjobs (like on special type of pegassi) so that motorbike would be epic
- Damn I selling my vader and getting the double T
- Shut up i Want to Hear The Game !
- Track Stars are the best for me,my bike Black and White,all tuned,track star(glowing blue).....i wanna that bike in real life :(
- I see the double t as a yamaha r6
- your  a damn chav. speak properly.
- it was serious until the tractor 
- needs to be a s1000rr in the game!
- The Double-T isn't a Honda its a Kawasaki Ninja :)

- Double t is the best bike on gta 5
- My double t runs circles round pretty much anything. Come add roxetta1973 Bati 801 wusses and watch me kick ur asses
- why don't u make a video# the top 5 convertibles