
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 5m 51s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 88183.
Ocena uzyskana 305.
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GTA 5: Pimp My motor scooter (Faggio) AKA Chick Magnet..


GTA 5: Pimp My motor scooter (Faggio) AKA Chick Magnet.-
- Gta. Lo handal
- scooter brother going to die....arrrrrgggghhh cock sucker
- Wtf

- Hahahaha but slide
- wonk edian
- Das ist eine schwalbe von der marke simson
- Name of tune at start of vid?
- Stock market that's how he got rich
- Woah dood where did you get the fastest bike in the game?
- Now your a Super Scooter Bro.
- Scooter is model F (fremale) is GAAAAAAAY
- U buy it
- Where did you find the Faggio???
- Chrome is a metal not a colour or reflection...
- actually its not a moped, mopeds have pedals you use to get them started, then the motor takes over, hence the name Mo-ped.
- SCOOTER BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Haha yes
- nah
- fuck off with the moped...