
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 9m 25s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 6527356.
Ocena uzyskana 16528.
Ciekawe oceny od was, do zobaczenia też.
Ghost rider the best of the best.


Ghost rider the best of the best- What a idiot......if he ain't a ghost he is well working his way too being one ..what a nut job!!!!⚡⚡;-) 
- Great rider been watching for years. Cheers
- Kauf dir Lizenz
- schade das keiner von den autofahrern erschrickt das lenkrad rumreist und den vogel vom motorrad kickt.solche assis.
- Patrick Furstenhoff A Legend And Still Alive ;) Respect
- They call him a ghost rider cuz the way he rides is like a ghost would do 
- coooooooooooooooooooooool
- hope hde doesn't have his driver's licence, he's a danger
- Oh also I fucking hate America
- In America,Suzuki's are reserved for Shitty SUVs and bad two seaters. Motorcycles,yeah we do that. Then 9 people get shot the fuck dead make more cheese sweeden
- Bow down to the ghost rider he commands it 
- Really nice ... =)
- H