

Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 10m 35s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 582174.
Ocena uzyskana 1969.
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Free Energy ??? - Fact or Fake ? Wasif Kahloon showing selfrunning magnet motor.


Free Energy ??? - Fact or Fake ? Wasif Kahloon showing selfrunning magnet motor- Fake............
- ههههه تفنيصه كبيره نصابين
- wow hands made of asbestos? couldn't help but notice how long your guy had his hands over that cherry red hot plate element without even so much as a twinge must be the spicy food. You must also be very strong since you are able to overcome the
eddy currents and the influence of the full load on the generator as you start up the
unit. Looks like some of the magnets must have fallen out though, lots of empty spots there where they must have been and they must be very powerful as the space between the magnet drum and the outer ring is somewhat distant, it's to bad your camera man didn't show the volt meter climbing from 0 to 200 volts.. just sayin
- Hi Wasif, I have been looking for such an idea for past 2.5 yrs and though I saw lots of videos, I was not able to find the right material available in our area like in South Eastern countries except the wood which can help us to create such a motor, please let me know the material you used in this case.
- Can anybody know, how the stuff works ?
- the best part is that there is always some type of conspiracy at hand keeping these genius inventors from owning the world.  In fact, it is generally a case of inductive power that isn't measured accurately by a normal watt mater.

This guy could just make money on any power grid, but instead I bet he is looking for investors.
- Congrats my friend, this is really inspiring, thank you for the effort and time you put into this.
- Well it seems it works nice ^^, and dont mind the shills all around mate there are a lot of people hired by goverments saying that this doesnt work and that doesnt work. Well to me it seems it works so awesome job ^^.
- There is no such thing as a free lunch in physics.
- what would you charge to build one for me
- Have you seen the Mechanical Battery that is on the space station. Is it FAKE, I dont think so.
- Your voice is funny😄😄😄(Im not making fun of you)
- As usual, the wiring is hidden from view. You will not find a single demo on YouTube where the setup is not obscured from view.
- Please build 50 units of 100kW each for me - I want to buy them and install them here in the UK.
Will it be OK if I pay you out of the money I get in refunds from my electricity supplier?
- Boom free energy with just a turn.
- 250 jews, freemasons and reptilians dislike this.
- I guess the pendulum pulls it over the "tipping point."
- Does this kind of permanent magnet motor rely upon a "tipping point?" If it does, when that has been overcome, it's inertia that is being harnessed. But the magnets, no matter how cleverly placed, will wear out in time. They will lose their magnetism. So, where's the economy?
- Kalo ini dibuat massal gimana ya ? Keren Abis....Free Energy Magnet