
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 4m 32s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 4548435.
Ocena uzyskana 28675.
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Fast & Furious RC : The Greatest Car Chase.


Fast & Furious RC : The Greatest Car Chase- WOW
- very well edited.
- What am I doing with my life?
- Great job on this vid guys. You must have put in some serious time and effort.
- Lmao! Well done!!
- this i so fucking awesome 
- Awesome!
- Дима
- they always drift i would do a race like they do and i would drift too
- i like thesong for paul walker its always the best song ever my freind named carlos knows it it is called see you again
- We will all remember Paul Walker he was a great guy

- Awesome

- Wrong cars. It's supposed to be a 1970 Dodge Charger and a 1999 Toyota Surbra 
- would you maybe like to work with me on some videos that couldhelp both of us just let me know
- hxjwh
- jhggdhhjdheyFFVfkjxjjsy
- RIP Paul
- This video is not real
- Awesome!
- lol this is fast n furious all the way