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Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 10m 28s.
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Dual Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Motor or Generator or Alternator.


Dual Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Motor or Generator or Alternator-
- You are the best demo on the subject today, Slamming man slamming :) Salute Sir
- Hi George,
                    Good work....i tried with 48 magnets..sometimes magnets falling down ...i dont have a magnet holder(blue one in your video ). can you tell me where its available .i tried ebay , amazon...etcc    ..pls help me.hope i will get help
- ??????????????????????????????
- Redesign the center using the flower of life circles and also look up ed.Leedskanlas ancient motor knowledge
- i was not amused by this terrible musik
- Cheers.
- Fake.
Notice how the current supplied to the motor does NOT change AT ALL after the SLA was connected to the system. If there is an induced current, the torque of the coupled motor should increase, and so should the supplying current. However this is not the case.

This can mean one of two things: 1) the second SLA is also DISCHARGING, and the wattmeter simply measure this discharging current; OR the whole thing is fake. Notice how the wheel seemed to slow down after coupling the second SLA, which supports the second theory.
- Good work! For anyone who wants to experiment with magnetic motors/thrusters but encounters some "little" problems due to magnetic drag caused by the Lenz's law, I suggest to download and carefully read the following document: http://www.hyiq.org/Downloads/Guidelines%20to%20Bucking%20Coils.pdf
- Congratulations
Are you' ve patantedb your invention? Or you' re a tycoon sprading knowledge for free? I could' nt so far to squeeze energy out of nothing! It seems that my Phd in science' s applied mecchamics worth nothong at all!
- cool thing, but it's not a generator. no mechanical force was used to create electricity. and it does appear to be a motor, but a very, very ,very bad motor which uses electrical energy to create mechanical motion. or maybe i'm thinking about it wrong.
- Acho super-interessante, tomara que seja true e não false.
 Responder  ·
- Acho super-interessante, tomara que se true e não false.
- It's fake ! watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beluTTXI8jM
- Why does this power meter showing current and power when the load side is not connected? When you have open circuit your current is 0A. Another value is not possible, you can measure voltage but never current.
- Ya no se si es "Free" o si es "Fraá"...jajajaja La energia,ni se crea,ni se destruye,solo se trasforma.....Esto si es cierto....o no???????
Tengo la cabeza como un bombo,  tantos videos y tutoriales que he visto....La malloria son "patrañas" .En fin!...
Que cada cual ,saque sus propias opionones....
- You clearly have no understanding of what you are doing.
- nice try but a fully charged battery and a super flat one, hmmmm simple Watts = amps x volts
- If you can get at least 50% or better 2x the yield than what you put into the motor... Think of the applications? You can install this motor into an airliner and with a mag motor big enough with a yield of 2x, you can run very cheap flights (as much as a bus ticket?) non stop until you need parts maintenance. 

Flying around the world will cost you no more than a bus ticket!