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DJI X8 Phantom by High Gain Tuning..


DJI X8 Phantom by High Gain Tuning.- very nice
- That's fucking awesome 
- why X8??? how does it work does it give it more lift??
fly more stable? wanna try too ^_^ nice work
- WOW!!! That is ridiculously cool!! I own a Phantom and recently converted everything onto a f450 frame. I've adjusted the gains and it flies great but I still notice it oscilating or wobbling a little sometimes. I saw your vid on the f450 X8, I'm assuming you had adjusted the gains there already and I noticed it too wobbles a little sometimes. From what I've seen the Phantom seems to be more stable or am I wrong? 
- So where do you put a camera? Pretty cool though!
- Wowww...
כדי להוסיף?
- Insane ... radical build Richard .. I like.   I Notice the video ended just prior to the crash (er landing).  Suspect landing presents a small problem but easily over come.  LOL   ... that IS wicked.
- Thanks...
- Awesome :) Well done man! Had to come over from RCG to watch it in HD :)
- Thanks!
- Yeah... if your not ready, it can be a surprise.
- when you hit it my jaw just about dropped!
- 8 moteurs sur un Phantom 
- thumbs up :)
- Love the look!
- Fantastic Job mate !!!
- That is an amazing build, thank you for sharing!
- That is nice.
- I did a build on RCGroups. Search for DJI X8 Phantom