
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 3m 28s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 2515654.
Ocena uzyskana 16722.
Ciekawe oceny od was, do zobaczenia też.
Dirtbike hunter , angry agressive people.


Dirtbike hunter , angry agressive people- he just needed a good roosting
- should of got off the bike and beat the shit out of him
- Guys u are idiots! It was his land right? If you will be driving on my garden I will take u down soooooo fast...;)
- Honestly though: 

Step 1: Get off your bike
Step 2: Punch him straight in his nose

Problem solved.
- why is he mowing a river bank?
- Lol...But idk why the beginning reminds me of Resident Evil 4
- Why do you guys talk like that? Lol learn some grammar
- He was maybe in war u see he dont got one hand (left one) and he maybe had bad days and hes sick maybe he got traums :( its not funny just think how its to his wife poor them :P
- He is crazy!
- Lol, that was awesome!!!, what bike is that?

- chuck him in the fucking pond and watch him try  to swim, round and round in circles
- no wonder he's pissed off he's got one arm and a huge field to cut with that little mower.
- jedno ręki bandyta XD
- one hand.. idgaf.. swing at me 1 time its enough for me to go ape shit on you, needless to say that was me on the bike & hit me with that rake i would've ran him over like a squashed bug.
- I feel really sad about that woman , god bless her , that man might some day kill her. :P
- Sta Testa di cazzo di contadino
- Hahaha so funny 
- this looks like some fucked up moded POV game lool
- Ciekawe czemu dziadek nie wezwał Policji. Niszczenie mienia, i mandacik za jazdę nieoznakowanym pojazdem po drogach publicznych...
- What an angry mother ****