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BladeGlider - the future of electric vehicles.


BladeGlider - the future of electric vehicles- LOL, the seat moves every time you get in and out.  "Gentlemen, behold... the most needlessly complicated and impractical vehicle ever devised!"
- Comon people this is done as a concept car.
From the history 99.99% will remain as a concept. Another words it will never make it into production > into our life...
- #BladeGlider   #Nissan   #Future   #Electronicvehicle  
- Nissan BladeGlider
- Another awesome Nissan...
- I want it
- この車凄すぎますね!素晴らしいです!
- okay one day, it will be mine, YES IT WILL!
- Love the GTRs
- 屋根が欲しい。
- Roof? Rollover bar? Can it travel more than 70 miles on one charge? 150 maybe?
- バックシャン美人
- 久しぶりにわかり易いコンセプトカーと感じました、いろいろ申し上げたい所はありますが、試乗してみたいですね でも にっさんのロゴはそこにつくのか・・・
- i'll put your car in reverse 
- Now this is a electric vehicle and an exploratory prototype but it looks so AWESOME! I want!!
- She looks so cool....I need one....Please bring her to the market ASAP...I want to FLY the Delta wing indeed...:)
- What im doing if its raining?
- Nissan please make this. Will trade my Leaf for one.