
Czas trwania sekundy/minuty 2m 4s.
Zainteresowanie / widownia 941992.
Ocena uzyskana 1174.
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2015 Can-Am Outlander 1000 6x6 With Martin Motor Sports.


2015 Can-Am Outlander 1000 6x6 With Martin Motor Sports- I just went up this obstacle, now I must prove that I can do it...... Backwards!!
- Esta con madres!! 👍
- Please explain the benefits of having two extra wheels when you can clearly do all the demonstrations with a four wheeler 
- nice...
- No offense, CanAm.. I have and love your Outlander 800..... I guess if you put an M-60 on the back of this thing it will sell.... but it looks way too rich for my blood.  And I'm pretty sure unless your carrying out wounded this is an expensive toy.  Cool as heck, but not or the average ATV income earner.
- My 4x4 grizzly can do that no problem 
- very nice, how much can send  to Indonesia
- Класс
- 한국에서는 구입할수없나요 (대리점)
- Trop l.o.l beau quad
- my polaris sportsman could do all of that this is just a gimmick
- pretty sure my Polaris can do that..
- i want buy one from where can i buy it?
- Yes, but can it wheelie? lol
- Ched it ched
- Ugly as fuck. But most can ams are ugly as fuck anyways